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What is the Gemini zodiac sign?

The Gemini zodiac sign is not so much focused on age as on freshness, spontaneity, and forward-thinking. * The dates of each zodiac page change every three years due to the nature of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun—just like a leap year. Gemini has two sides. Such is the nature of the “twins,” the symbol that represents this sign.

What zodiac sign is Gemini the twins?

Gemini the Twins is one of the few human signs of the zodiac. Mercury is dignified in the sign of Gemini and Jupiter is in its detriment in Gemini. Gemini is occupied by the Sun in the tropical zodiac from approximately May 22nd to June 21st. Note that the first and last dates and times alter from year to year.

Is Gemini a mutable air sign?

While Air signs share the same element of Air, they each have a different modality: Gemini is Mutable Air, Libra is Cardinal Air, and Aquarius is Fixed Air. Gemini is considered the most adaptable of the Air signs. Gemini takes an intellectual or mental approach to life. The symbol for Gemini is the Twins.

What can a Gemini do for a living?

Gemini is considered to be a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign, associated with air and ruled by the planet Mercury. Thanks to their ability to adapt and their great mental capacity, Geminis are often successful in a wide variety of professions. Some common career choices for those born under this sign include writing, acting, and teaching.

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